Understand Types of Malwares and its Definitions

Malware? What’s that? Malware is the collective term to describe malicious programs; these includes

  • Virus: It is a program that can replicate itself and affect normal operation of a computer without the permission or knowledge of the user.
  • Polymorphic Virus: This type of a virus keeps changing its signature every time it replicates and infects a new file.
  • Worm: Unlike a virus, a worm is a program that is capable of replicating and spreading to various other systems without the need of a host file.
  • Trojan: It is a program that contains or installs a malicious program though it appears to be a genuine one.
  • Spyware: Such type of software collects personal information about the users without their informed consent.
  • Adware: This software are capable of playing, displaying, or downloading advertising material automatically to a computer after it is installed on it.
  • Backdoor: It is a program that can bypass normal authentication to gain remote access to a computer and remain hidden from cursory inspection.
  • Botnet: It is a network of computers controlled by a Bot developer.
  • Rootkit: These software tools hide some malicious running processes, files or system data from the operating system.
  • Key-Logger: It is a program that is used to capture the user’s keystrokes.
  • Fraudulent Dialers: It is a program that installs a malicious program.
  • Phishing: It is a fake website appearing to be genuine one in order to extract personal details from users.
  • Pharming: Pharming is aimed to redirect a website’s traffic to another phoney website.

*Image courtesy Custompcsltd.com


Jocarl said...

exelente Blog

Anonymous said...

dude.... ni macam aku punya lecturer in university for Information Security paper....

k3sh said...

Thanks :)

--> Kavilan,
Sshh Sshh, dun said it loud dude..eh eh ;p