How to Hack Password Protected Windows XP

Felt lost and angry because you dumb enough to forget your Windows logon password? You should be mrgreen. The most common or classic hack is CTRL+ALT+DEL trick, if you don’t know about this don’t worry I will explain it along with the other tricks.

Trick 1:

  1. At logon screen type CTRL+ALT+DEL 3 times and a small window will pop up after that.
  2. Delete the existed username and type Administrator, leave the password box blank.
  3. Hit Enter, now you able to login into Windows
  4. Then, go to Start Menu>Control Panel>User Accounts. You can delete your account password and save new password (something that easy to remember so you won't forget again)

*Usually when fresh copy of Windows XP installed in PC or laptop, there is a hidden account and that’s Administrator account. By default the Administrator account is not password protected, that’s why by using this trick you can access to Administrator account. However, some smart user set password for Administrator account as well made this trick unusable.

Trick 2:

If Trick 1 didn't work out you can download Winternals ERD Commander to override the Windows XP password. How to do it? Watch the video below.

Hacking Win XP Password

Before you start Google Winternals ERD Commander, I would like to tell you that Winternals ERD Commander is not cheap and Winternals offerings no longer available for purchase since Microsoft acquires Winternals on July 17, 2006. Don’t get me wrong for provided useless trick because you can download the Winternals ERD Commander through P2P and torrents sites – I’m downloading it. Look for me if you couldn’t get it.


This post is meant for educational purposes only and any act that one indulges into crime and privacy intrusion, the problem is solely yours. There quite numbers of solution but those are after login hacks not before login. If I missed anything kindly let me know.


anits said...

an informative post! keep it up!tcare kesh boy

Anonymous said...

the 1 trick are easy like water, only for those end user that really "END" to use... Mostly the problem i face will need ur 2nd the way, i hope can optain that copy from you? any exchange need? i also own a software which can break too, just a disket will do

k3sh said...

Yes sis, thanks :)

Yup sure, wait till I finish download it. There are lots of softwares available out there, which I will talk about it in coming post. This ERD sounds trustworthy since Microsoft itself bought them and stop the distribution. So, just think-lah how powerful is that thing :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I would like to ask you, I have burnt the iso file of winternals erd commander and when I boot the CD, it goes to Caldera DR DOS.. not the winternal's interface.. why is this happened? Thank you

k3sh said...

Did you change boot sequence to the boot from CD?

Kushal said...

I downloaded ERD Commander 2005

I did select the Boot from CD,
But it shows Starting Caldera DR-DOS

then the screen freezes..

i dunno wat to do.. plz help Kesh.